Most Anticipated K-Dramas

NOTE: Last updated 6/7/2018

Every year is a golden age for Korean dramas!

A new season brings about a brand new set of actors and plot that will once again add happiness into our daily lives.

So without further ado, here is a list of my most anticipated K-Dramas for the year.

I hope you decide to watch at least one with me, my fellow K-Drama fanatic.

P.S. If you think I’m forgetting (very possible) an upcoming drama you think should be on the list, feel free to let me know on the comments below! I’ll be sure to check it out.

  • Vagabond, starring Lee Seung Gi & Suzy (2019 TBA)

Image result for lee seung gi and suzy vagabond

I can’t believe there’s going to be a reunion for one of my favorite onscreen couples!! They truly look beautiful in the historical drama, Gu Family Book. I’m excited to see them in a modern action drama! Keep them coming, LSG. And Suzy is so prettttyyy.